What Should I Do If I Get Injured?

Nobody leaves their house in the morning prepared for what they’ll do if they get in a serious accident. When that accident occurs, it can throw your life into chaos, not only because of the injury and physical limitations you may face, but also because of the financial, occupational and social disruption it can cause to you and your loved ones.

Luckily, there are some things you can do right after an injury to help ensure that you not only protect your personal health, but also have the information you need to make the strongest possible injury claim. Let Cuneo & Leonetti help.

Your Health And Safety Come First

If you are involved in an accident in New Jersey, the most important thing to do is to assess and address any bodily injury or damage. Call the police and an ambulance to get the medical attention you need to quickly stabilize your health.

Collect The Evidence You Need

The more information and evidence you are able to collect from the scene of the accident, the better. Evidence you collect can help build your case and ensure that you receive the maximum possible compensation after an injury. Visual, oral and written evidence is hard to dispute when your attorney files a claim on your behalf, or represents you in a court of law.

If you are physically able, try to gather the following right after an accident:

  • The personal details of those involved (name, driver’s license number, home address, phone number, email address and insurance information)
  • Statements (even video), names and contact information of any witnesses
  • Photographs of any relevant aspects of the accident scene

Contact A Lawyer

Don’t talk to anybody about your accident until you call a lawyer. This is particularly true for insurance companies that may try to get you to accept a low settlement quickly. Don’t do it: Call a lawyer first. When you come in for your initial consultation, have as much of the following information as you can with you:

  • Insurance information
  • Accident investigation report
  • Police report
  • Photographs of any property damage

It’s Never Too Soon To Get Smart Legal Advice

Don’t hesitate to make an appointment to get the information you need to make wise choices about what to do next. Your first consultation costs nothing. For more information or to schedule a time to discuss your case, call our Collingswood office at 856-869-9066 or email us.